Friday, May 8, 2009

May 7 2009

There was a little change in routine on Thursday.  Instead of heading to the university for class we went to a local high school for the gifted and got a tour.  It was a great experience because their school system is structured so different to ours and it was great to learn about.  Also we got to meet several students majoring in english.  Their english was so good! I loved talking to them.  They were very interested in what I was studying and just wanted to know everything about me.  One asked me about American Pie, the movie, and wanted to know if it was like that in real life.......not so much lol.  The students loved us and i really enjoyed spending time with them.  

We had a lot of time before our the site visit, so Nick and I took  mopeds to the Market Place to get some souvenirs and some authentic food. I found so much such as: a Lacoste polo, fake Ray Bans, chop sticks, and good food.  That was all for less than 20 dollars. 

The visit was with a lawyer from Duane Morris.  He was very informative and really allowed us to learn so much about the present business in Viet Nam.  He taught us a lot about the overseas Vietnamese.  Which was very helpful to know about in the next site visit.  

That night our one Vietanmese friend Koah took all of us shopping at a market.  Then we all went to get coffee and later we went on an adventure to the majestic.  Ask me about it, may not be the best to blog about lol.  But we ended up doing work on the sidewalk with some locals. I love this place!